Self Evaluation and Conclusion

  • Teachers feedback.docx


    To get feedback from the Partners, about the activities in which they guided the students to develop them, a Forms Survey was sent to them.  We are nine teachers and we get six responses to the Survey, which represents 66,67%.

    In general we can conclude that the Partners enjoyed a lot to guide the students to develop the proposed activities.

    As suggestions made by the Partners, we have two wishes:

                - It would be a great idea to go on working this project as an Erasmus+ project. So, students would have a chance to practice their national sports internationally and also try our new game TwinGame altogether;

                - I think it was nice to invent a new sport and I wish we had more time to test it in our school. Even though the schoolyear is almost over, I’ll ask the PE teacher to test it with my students! I greatly enjoyed all our discussions and chats as teachers. I hope we will work together again next year.

    Students feedback.docx 



    To get feedback from the students, about the activities carried out, a Forms Survey was sent to them. Of the 95 students enrolled in the Project, 21 responded to the Survey, which represents 22.11%.


    In general we can conclude that the students enjoyed the proposed activities and participating in them.

                As suggestions made by the students, we have a wish to have more activities like this and have face to face activities.

    Probably the few responses are due to the fact that some schools have already finished classes and students are busy with final exams.

    Self evaluation Conclusion.docx

    Self evaluation / Conclusion


                    The initial idea was to do a small project with six schools from six countries. We soon realised that there was a lot of interest in participating in the project, as we received thirty applications. We had to limit the number of members to fifteen. All intending partners who were not accepted, received a message explaining the reasons for the decision made. Then in the initial phase of the project, some partners dropped out and we became nine partners from seven countries.

                At the beginning we had planned a four-month project, but with the difficulties caused by Covid-19, we decided with the agreement of all the Partners, to change the calendar and extend the project until April and then May. Even so, some Partners had difficulties in completing the proposed tasks. But the project continued and came to an end.

    During the project the students gained knowledge about various areas. Firstly, they learned to respect the technological differences from school to school that made it difficult for them to interact with each other. Secondly, they uninhibitedly presented their information about various sports at national level and at the same time received information about other sports in other countries. Thirdly, they collaborated with each other to invent a game (TwinGame).

    For all the work done by the students, we rated it as very good, with a few strokes of excellent.

                We enjoyed creating this project, which gave us pleasure and work, but it was worth it.

    We cultivated Respect, Tolerance and Good Sense throughout the project. It was gratifying to see/read the comments made by the Students and Teachers involved in the project, where the desire to continue working together and even evolve into an Erasmus+ project, to continue the work developed, namely with the experimentation of our new game "TwinGame", stands out.

                Due to the commitment given to the Project "My favourite sports!", the work developed in it and the acceptance of the Partners to the proposed tasks, we consider that the Project was very good.