Favourite Sports at Our Schools

  • Portugal 

    3 most practiced sports at school.pdf






    The sports that we have played in our school are climbing, athletics and fencing. All athe classes in the school have played these sports.





    TURKEY (Akhisar)



    SELMAN SUNU.pptx


    We had an interview with Ali Cengiz. He is from Akhisar. He is a successful Wrestler. Our students asked questions to him about the sport and Ali Cengiz answered our students' questions. Thanks a lot Ali Cengiz!



    Interview with Ali Cengiz

    1)How old did you start doing sport?

    Ali Cengiz: I started sport at my early age. In the primary school I met football and I played in the football infrastructure of Akhisar Team.


    2)Why did you choose “Wrestling”? Did your parents guide you?

    Ali Cengiz: When I was 14, I started Wrestling by the guidence of my PE teacher Hasan Hüseyin Oktay.


    3)How often do you practice “Wrestling”? Did the frequency of your practice increase after you became a Professional wrestler?

    Ali Cengiz: The frequency of the practices may change. When we are on camp, apart from Wednesday and Sunday, we practice every day. After the camp, we have less practice, like once in 2 days, because we need to be powerful fort he next camp. Then during the next camp, we practice more often as I told. Especially the National Team Camps. And for sure, after I become a Professional, my practices increased. When I first started sport, I used to have practice twice or three times in a week. Later,  being successful in the matches, practices also increased.


    4)What are the shampionships that you have won till now?

    Ali Cengiz: I have many national and international success. I have 6 national Championships besides many 2nd and 3rd awards. I had my first internationa lsuccess in 2013.  It was a Championship and I was the Champion. The next one was 3rd award in Europe and  in the World. I became  the World Champion in 2015.  In 2016, I became the 2nd in Europe. In 2018, I became the World Champion again. I also got the European 3rd Award in 2019.


    5)What do you think and how do you feel after you lose a match?

    Ali Cengiz: I really used to get upset after I lost a match. However, this sadness didn’t affect my life. I mean it wasn’t like depression or questioning myself. I generally watch  my match videos and try to find out where I did mistakes, what kind of mistakes I had in which positions. And when I practice , I try to work on these mistakes to improve myself.


    6)Does this sport satisfy you both financially and emotionally?

    Ali Cengiz:  I’m satisfied emotinally and spiritually. I became known, been on TV channels, many things. On the other hand, unfortunately I’m not satisfied financially. On the year I got the World Championship, the awards were reduced to half. Next years, they continued to be reduced. And my Club, Akhisar Club was a small Clup, they couldn’t afford much. That’s the reason that I left Akhisar,  I ‘m in Ankara now. Ankara Club is bigger.  In short, Not financially but emotionally I’m very satisfied.


    7)Do you have sportspeople that you have been inspired by? Who are they?

    Ali Cengiz: Of course, one of the sportsperson that I have been inspired is Hamza Yerlikaya, the Wrestler of the Century.  And, both as a person and a sportman , Taha Akgün, Olympics Shampion. Also ,a very succeesful  Egyptian sportsman, Karam Gaber whose matches I like to watch a lot. Those are my favourites.

    8)Is Akhisar more successful at grekoromen wrestling? What are the difference between wrestling and grekoromen wrestling?

    Ali Cengiz: In grekoromen wrestling, sportspeople can not use their feet or legs. They can use their upper body from the waist. And there are some differences at rules.  The succes of Akhisar on grekoromen is based on the Club that was founded  by İsmail Göze and Yücel Ünsal in 2010. They grew many successful grekoromen wrestler. We can say that this is why Akhisar is more into grekoromen wrestling.

    9)How long have you done wrestling before grekoromen wrestling?

    Ali Cengiz: I have done wrestling for 2 years. Then I went on doing grekoromen wrestling in Akhisar Club.


    10)What are your advices for the people who would like to become a sportperson?

    Ali Cengiz: I believe sport will be a very positive affect on your life. One of the most important effect is “self-esteem”and personality. There is a term “sportsperson personality”, you get this personality at an early age. So you will be 1-0 ahead wherever you are, if you are a good sportsperson. To do this, a person should start sport at early ages, improve the flexibility of the body. And He/She should study hard. If you are volunteer and determined, you can do it. It is never late to start doing sport.

    11)Have you ever got injured while wrestling?

    Ali Cengiz: Injury, yes.  I have some injuries during the practise and the match. It can happen. They weren’t serious injuries like broken arm or leg but some tears of muscles.  You can also see my ear, if someone’s ear is like this, that person is either a boxer or a wrestler. There are some positions in wrestling that they may damage the cartilage on your ear, that’s why it happens.

    12)Have you ever had the moment that you wanted to stop your career?

    Ali Cengiz: Well, I have thought and said that many times, to be honest. When I was about 15 or 16, while practicing and when I couldn’t do what I want on practice, there was a corridor through the dressing room, on that corridor I walked many times crying, upset and repeating myself “I can’t do this, I will stop, I will give up”. However, I never gave up, I was determined. I went on. Actually, those moments are the breaking points. If you don’t stop there, that point takes you to success. That is a very thin line. If you get over that line, you can easily get to success.

    13)What are your hobbies apart from Wrestling?

    Ali Cengiz: I like spending time with my friends. I like travelling. I enjoy reading books, listening to music and watching TV series. Moreover, I like camping , I take my tent with me in summers and have a camp in the bays. I love nature.

    14) What kind of advantages did you get being a sportperson?

    Ali Cengiz: I can say that sport changed my life, I owe my life to sport. I attended Afyon Kocatepe University, Physical Education Department  after I got the World Championship degree ( there is possibility to attend a university , PE Department for the sportspeople (who has a degree) in Turkey without taking the university exam.) Also, I got the scholarship as other sportspeople in the same situation, 3 times of the standart fund. This is called “National Scholarship”. You don’t need to pay this money back. Moreover, after graduation, if you have a European or World degree, you can become a PE teacher without taking  the national exam. This is really a big advantage. I started my job as a PE teacher in Ankara last February.  I love my job, I’m very happy.









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    Our favourite are team sports: football, volleyball and basketball
    but if you want to get know some more info please take a look at the presentation:)


    Oliwia i Olek - prezentacja(2).pptx