Partner Schools




    Tina Fink

    Brorsonskolen, Varde






    Collège René Caillié, MauzéSurLeMignon




    Teacher :  Mrs Antonella Radicchi

    Scuola Statale Secondariadi I Grado "Alighieri-Pascoli",

    Città di Castello (Perugia)


    Alighieri-Pascoli is a public school located in Città di Castello, a Renaissance town situated in the north of Umbria, a region in the centre of Italy.  
    There are about 800 students, aged 11-14. The teachers are 67. Our is equipped with smart boards in every classroom (32). Students study two foreign languages: English and French or Spanish.
    Our strenghts are : Music (we have an important music contest called Concorso Zangarelli that involves pupils from all over Italy), Foreign languages (our school offers European certifications), Drama, Video Production, Sports (many specialities, in particular climbing). Students participate to  Olympic math competitions. We are involved in Erasmus+ projects and eTwinning projects this year. We also run a lot of PON projects.



    Szkoła Podstawowa w Sarnowie, Tuchowicz

    Coordinator: Marta Kruk


    Publiczna Szkoła Podstawowa w Sarnowie is a primary school located in
    a pretty, rural area in the east of Poland. There are 264 students aged
    3 to 15 and 23 teachers. The school is a two-story building.
    Many afterschool activities and clubs are provided according to the intrests of our pupils.
    The school has taken part in many domestic grants thanks to which we could improve the facilities as well as many events have been organised for
    the local community here. Our students are successful in various competitions as well.






    Agrupamento de Escolas de Paredes de Coura, Paredes de Coura

    Headmistress: Ana Paula Fernandes

    Erasmus+ Coordinator: Lurdes Rego



    The school board is composed by one Headmistress, one Vice-headmistress and three Assistants.
    In our school there are 487 students, 75 teachers and 25 employees.
    The age of students is between 11 and 18.
    The school provides regular classes and Music classes. When students finish their studies in our school, they can apply to University. Lots of them change school in the end of 9th grade and go study in the Vocational school nearby.
    At our school there are 9 student clubs running, including Drama, Camping, Handball, Table Tennis, Running, Climbing, Boccia, Photo and Nature.
    The school has Block A, Block B, Block C, Block D and the Sport hall.
    In Block A, we have our multipurpose hall, the secretary, the library, the auditorium and the canteen, all on the ground floor. On the 1st floor are the school board office and the teachers’ room.
    Block B has 3 floors. On the ground floor there are some classrooms, and the restroom for the students with special needs. On the first floor there are more classrooms, a dedicated room for ICT. On the 2nd floor we have even more classrooms and the boys and the girls’ restroom.
    Block C has two floors. On the ground floor there are classrooms and then on the 1st floor there are classrooms as well.
    Block D is dedicated to the teaching of music.
    The sports hall went through renovations while we were in vacation, and now that we are back in school it feels brand new. Upon entering the hall, the door on the right side leads to the girls’ shower room and on the left side is the boys’ shower room. Outside there is a new football field that also has an athletics track built in.



    Akhisar Anadolu İmam Hatip High School, Akhisar

    Coordinator: Ayşe ÇAKIR


    AKHİSAR ANADOLU İMAM HATİP HIGH SCHOOL is located in the northeast of the city, Akhisar. It was built in 1975. In 2010, additional buildings were built and there is a  dormitory for students who come from the other cities of the country.

     The school has one headmaster and three assistant headmasters, around 50 teachers one of whom is the counsellor and around 400 students at the age of 15-19. (around 160 students stay in the school dormitory). Our students are mostly from the rural areas whose parents deal with agriculture. The school also is attended by a few students with special needs. Our school supply some extra courses after school to the students who want to get extra study for the examination of university. 

    The building has got five floors. In the first floor, there is the dormitory, ICT lab, chemistry and biology labs, library, sports room and the canteen. In the second, third, and fourth floor, there are 28 classrooms. In the fifth floor, there is a conference and a refectory (dining room).

    Our institution has many sportive success; medals and prizes in the fields of bocce, orienteering, athletism, table tennis, taekwondo, pitch football, wrestling and grokonomen (a branch of wrestling).

    The institution is both an academic high school and a vocational school in which students study religion and become cleric if they wish or attend the university exam and get an academic education on any other branch they prefer.

     The teachers in our school are experienced in teaching and leading the students for their upper education. They prepare the students for the university exam academically with a great effort.

    Our mission is to grow citizens who preserve cultural values, follow the innovations and scientific developments throughout the World, to promote a European awareness of the different cultural values to achieve a greater mutual understanding. These objectives will contribute, through the use of the new technologies, to a new dimension in order to teach the new values and integrate themselves in the new European dimension of the modern citizen.

    Our vision is to bring up individuals who can use ICT materials, reform the information they’ve already gained and create new ideas and projects using and racing the improvements all around the World.






    Burçay Burcu Karadayı

    Şehit Feramil Ferhat Kaya Anadolu Lisesi, Çankaya





    Ahmet Yesevi AnadoluLisesi, Nilufer,Bursa TURKEY









    DobropilliaSchool 19, Dobropillia