Prise de contact


    Les élèves se présentent dans la chatroom le 3 avril 2020

    The French and Italian students introduce themselves in the chatroom.

  • Présentation

    Liceo Ignazio Vian Bracciano

    Il Liceo «Ignazio Vian»1 è nato nel 1967, in concomitanza con una significativa crescita demografica della zona, connessa anche alla realizzazione ed allo sviluppo, negli anni ’60 e ’70 di un importante centro di ricerca nelle vicinanze. Primo Preside, e praticamente “fondatore” del Liceo, fu il Prof. Cesare Pavese che guidò l’istituto fino al 1981 e contribuì in modo determinante al suo sviluppo e alla sua affermazione nel territorio in quanto scuola di alto livello qualitativo.

    Lycée Albert Camus

    Our public high school, which goes by the name of “Lycée Albert Camus”, is located in Nîmes, a city in the south of France which is mostly known for its Roman amphitheatre. It is a both a general and technological school, meaning that students can choose to either follow a more general path in their studies or choose to specialize themselves in health or management. Moreover, the school organizes linguistic exchanges every year which gives students the chance to discover new places and to practice the language they are learning. It also offers the possibility to take part into theatre classes and gives us access to a music room and a library, therefore it is a great way of mixing studying and fun and one of the reasons why most students feel good when studying there.
    Clélia and Nathan

    Chat du 3 avril 2020

    les élèves prennent contact

    Chat du 3 avril 2020

    transcription de l'échange