
  • How to get to the hotel

    From the airport to Oslo S

    The best way to get from the Airport to Oslo is by train.

    Going by train you have two options:
    - The Express train (flytoget) - expensive and only a few minutes faster
    - The Regional trains (VY) - Half the price of the Express train. We recommend this alternativ. 

    This ticket may be used when taking the subway to the hotel (within 90 minutes). 

    There are three departures every hour:
          - R10 03 minutes passed
          - R11 13 minutes passed
          - L12  43 minutes passed

    The price 105 NOK (10,5 Euro)
    You can buy tickets on the VY Ticket  Machines. It is of course possible to get English text on the machines.
    You may also by yopur tickets online at

    From Oslo S to the hotel

    At Oslo S follow signs to the tube (T-bane)It´s about 3 minutes walk.

    Take line 4 or 5 West direction to Nydalen stasjon. Nydalen stasjon is in  the same building as the Hotel.