
  • Is Palmieri-Rampone-Polo, Benevento





    The profile of the paths of the economic sector is characterized by the technical-economic culture referring to large areas: the economy, business administration, finance, marketing, social economy and tourism.


    At the end of the study course, students are familiar with the issues relating to national and international economic-business macro-phenomena, civil and fiscal legislation, corporate systems, also with reference to forecasting, organization, management and management control, marketing tools, tourism products / services. In particular, for the articulation “ Company Information Systems”, Skills related to the management of the company information system, to the evaluation, choice and adaptation of application software are developed. These activities are aimed at improving corporate efficiency through the implementation of new procedures, with particular regard to the archiving system, the organization of network communication and IT security.


    The course of study lasts 5 years and is divided into a common two-year period and a different three-year period based on the articulation.


    The  common two-year period has an orientation function, provides the necessary preparation to face the specialization course in the three-year period and contributes to acquiring the learning outcomes required by compulsory education. 


    At the end of the five-year course, the graduate of the technical institute, Company Information Systems, achieves the learning outcomes specified below in terms of skills: 


    • has a general and quality preparation on basic knowledge;
    • has specific skills in the field:
      • of national and international economic phenomena   
      • public, civil and tax law
      • of company systems and their:
        • organization
        • conduction e
        • management control
      • the company's information system;  
      • IT tools;
      • marketing tools;
      • insurance, financial and social economy products;   
      • spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship.



    The course is aimed at those who are interested in a complete theoretical and practical preparation. The five-year course of study allows you to acquire skills that allow an immediate insertion into the world of work in a position that is not only operational but which provides spaces for autonomous initiative, both in the decision-making and organizational fields.


    The final three-year period of the Industrial Technical Course allows the achievement of the Diploma of Technician in Informatics and Telecommunications in the Informatics articulation , or of Technician in Graphics and Communications .


    The course of study then provides a solid basis for the continuation of studies at the university level



    The graduate of professional education in MAINTENANCE AND TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE plans and carries out, with autonomy and responsibility consistent with the established framework of action and the assigned specifications, operations of installation, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance / repair, as well as testing of small systems, machines, systems and technological equipment. The study plan is divided into two two years and a fifth year and foresees that the first two years be common with an orientation function; it provides the necessary preparation to face the specialization course in the three-year period and helps to acquire the learning outcomes required by compulsory education. 

    At the end of the five-year course, the Graduate achieves the learning outcomes listed in point 1.1 of Annex A) common to all courses, in addition to the specific learning outcomes of the outgoing profile of the major, specified below in terms of skills:

    • Analyze and interpret diagrams of equipment, systems and devices
    • Install equipment and systems according to the technical specifications and in compliance with the sector regulations
    • Perform technical assistance activities as well as ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the equipment and systems by identifying any faults or anomalies, restoring their functionality and compliance with technical specifications, user safety regulations
    • Collaborate in the verification, regulation and testing activities, providing for the release of the certification according to the legislation in force
    • Manage warehouse stocks, taking care of the procurement process
    • Operate safely in compliance with health and safety regulations in the workplace and for the protection of the environment


    The Diploma of professional education in the Handicraft for Made in Italy address , intervenes with autonomy and responsibility in the processes of processing, manufacturing, assembly and marketing of industrial and craft products, as well as in the aspects relating to the conception, design and realization of the products themselves , also with reference to the typical local productions. His technical-professional skills refer to areas of activity specifically developed in relation to the needs expressed by the territory and allow him to intervene in industrial and artisanal processes with adequate decision-making skills, a spirit of initiative and orientation, also in the perspective of the exercise of autonomous activities in the field of youth entrepreneurship.

    The study plan is divided into two two years and a fifth year and foresees that the first two years be common with an orientation function; it provides the necessary preparation to face the specialization course in the three-year period and helps to acquire the learning outcomes required by compulsory education. 



    l Graduated in Health Services and Social Assistance possesses specific skills useful for:

    • co-design, organize and implement, with different levels of autonomy and responsibility, interventions aimed at responding to the social and health needs of individuals, groups and communities;
    • promote socialization, integration, bio-psycho-social well-being, in the areas of assistance and health;
    • collaborate in the management of projects and activities of social, socio-health and socio-educational services, aimed at children and adolescents, people with disabilities, the elderly, minors at risk, subjects with psycho-social discomfort and subjects in a disadvantaged situation, also through the development of formal and informal territorial networks;
    • facilitate communication between people and groups, even from different cultures and contexts;
    • Carry out, independently or in collaboration with other professional figures, educational, social animation, playful and cultural activities suitable for different contexts and different needs;
    • Collect, store, process and transmit data relating to professional activities.

    The study plan is divided into two two years and a fifth year and foresees that the first two years be common with an orientation function; it provides the necessary preparation to face the specialization course in the three-year period and helps to acquire the learning outcomes required by compulsory education.