Poll results

  • The vote is closed and these are the results.

    Congratulations go to Team 4, their design is the winner and will be used as a logo for our project.

    The bars display average rating. The error bars ("whiskers") represent standart deviation of the population, the bigger the whisker the more diverse were the samples. That means our individual tastes are very different from each other, since every design got some high and low ratings. Therefore, nobody be sad about not being chosen the best, it was close!

    For those who are nosy, this is how the teams rated their own logos:

    Team 1: 4
    Team 2: 4.33
    Team 3: 2.66
    Team 4: 5
    Team 5: 3.4
    Team 6: 4.33


    Votes for own team were not included in the final rating.


    Thank you all for participating!