Challenge 2: Our first game

  • In this challenge we will create a game inspired by the arcade classic Whac-A-Mole. A random target appears on the screen and players score points when they successfully hit them with a mallet.

    You can get some inspiration by visiting this page.

    At the end of this challenge pupils will produce two products:

    1. The ".apk" file, named: Challenge2TEAM____.apk. This file must be sent to the teachers. 
    2. The ".pdf" file, named: Challenge2TEAM____.pdf. In order to share the results this file must be published on the Padlet below  by each team once the app will be done. You can use the template below to do the ".pdf" file:

    CHALLENGE No    Title

    1. Description
    2. Interface design (DESIGN)
    3. Program design (BLOCKS)
    4. App screen captures