Challenge 1: Your first App "Introduce yourself"

  • In order to understand the key elements of App Inventor (the Component Designer, the Blocks Editor and the Android device) you'll design an App that shows a picture of you and says your personal data (name, age, city where you live, etc.) when you touch it.


    1. Record a presentation message on your computer (you can use the data you uploaded on the Powtoon presentation).
    2. Take and save a picture of you on your computer.
    3. Open a browse to MIT app inventor 2 and click on Create!
    4. Click on Start new project and type the name of the project

    At the end of this challenge pupils will produce two products:

    1. The ".apk" file, named: Challenge1TEAM____.apk. This file must be sent to the teachers. 
    2. The ".pdf" file, named: Challenge1TEAM____.pdf. In order to share the results this file must be published on the Padlet below  by each member of the team once the app will be done. You can use the template below to do the ".pdf" file:

    CHALLENGE No    Title

    1. Description
    2. Interface design (DESIGN)
    3. Program design (BLOCKS)
    4. App screen captures