Onder Ata Ilkokulu | Turkey

  • Onder Ata Ilkokulu


    Onder Ata Primary School* is located in Ankara, Turkey. There are 5 kindergarten classrooms, 31 elementary school classrooms (1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th grades), and 1 special education class in our school. All classes are mixed and consist of approxximately 25 students. The average number of students in our school is 850 (5-10). There are 39 teachers and 3 administrators in educational services. The socio-economic level of the students is low. Many students cannot participate in activities other than social and cultural activities of the school because of economic obstacles and low level of parental education.

    In the 2014-2016 academic year, we coordinated a Comenius project consisting of 5 partner countries: "The World Is Our Playground, Let's Play Together". Thanks to this project, "teaching with games" is integrated into our curriculum. In the 2016-2018 academic year, we coordinated 2 Erasmus + KA219 projects with different European countries: "The Little Europe Guides" and "Traditional Folk Tales:Hidden Treasures". In 2018 we started to coordinate a Ka229 project named "ACE- Acceptance, Citizenship, Equality" and a kA101 project named "IMMIGRANT CHILDREN: OTHERIZATION OR INTEGRATION". 

    We are an educational institution with extensive experience in European Union projects. Since we have a Project Team of 16 teachers, our school is capable of carrying out more than one EU project at the same time. We have successfully completed and completed 2 different EU Erasmus + projects in 2016-18 period. Other the members are class teachers, English teachers, kindergarten teachers and religious culture teachers from each class level, and these members are responsible for the project activities and their dissemination.

    * 2019 info
