Applications of fractals

    Pančevo, 5th iteration of the Sierpinski Carpet Project, 23.04.2015. Workshops 
    Fractal in medicine - Biljana Stojaković,  Medicinska škola " Stevica Jovanović", with 8 students, carpet number 253.
    Fractals in chemistry - Dragana Vučić, Vukica Stanojević - Momčilović, Ljiljana Đuretanović, Tehnička škola "23. maj", with 18 students, carpet number 238.

    Fractals in mechanical engineering - teachers from Mechanical engineering school "Pančevo, with 2 students, carpet number 260,261.

    Fractals in the economy- Nada Ranković, Vladimir Delja, ETŠ " Paja Marganović", with 8 students, carpet number 246.


    Sierpinski carpet and maze - Tatjana Stanković with 11 students from ETŠ "Nikola Tesla", Pančevo, carpet number 194.